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Vol. 1 No. 37 (2020): Dossiê História & Cinema
Vol. 1 No. 37 (2020): Dossiê História & Cinema
Artur Nogueira Santos e Costa
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Apresentação do Dossiê História & Cinema
Angela Aparecida Teles
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The Coloniality and Emancipation in the movie Emitai of Sembène Ousmane (Senegal, 1970’s)
Vinícius Pinto Gomes
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Representations of the African Continent on Hollywood Cinema Screens
Renata Barbosa Melo do Nascimento
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...Gone With the Wind
cinema, racism and silencing about the slavery abolition in the United States Civil War
Vanessa de Araújo Andrade
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Colonialism as a laboratory
“The Battle of Algiers” and torture as a political control Project
Leonardo Bentes Rodrigues
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The Afro-American Movement and the battles for memory
a look from The Boondokcs
Tereza Maria Spyer Dulci, Vania Macarena Alvarado Sadivia
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Cinema, history and education
racism and history teaching in Assault on the pay train
Jairo Carvalho do Nascimento, Genilson Ferreira da Silva
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The film Quilombo
another black story.
Rafael Garcia Madalen Eiras
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The movie out of the closet
Lesbian Cinema based on the work of Adelia Sampaio
Bárbara Brognoli Donini
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“I'm here making a movie”
ethnic-racial relations and struggles for memory in Osvaldão (2014)
Janailson Macêdo Luiz
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Hoje (2011) e Trago Comigo (2016)
images of the strange alterity of the past
Vinícius Alexandre Rocha Piassi
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Cinema in the military dictatorship
an analysis of the film The nun and torture (1984)
Vinícius Viana Juchem
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What can cinema do?
History and politics in Cabra marcado para morrer (1984) by Eduardo Coutinho
Beatriz Costa Barreto, Marília Romero Campos
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The documentary Dzi Croquettes (2009) and the construction of the marginal memory, the underground and the oblivion about the counterculture in the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil
Andrei Chirilã
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Newsreels in historical perspective
trajectory and political uses in Brazil
Isadora Dutra de Freitas
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Discipline and order on the screens of Cine Jornal Brasileiro
the “partners” in power during Estado Novo's regime
Alvaro Eduardo Trigueiro Americano, Letícia Barbosa Torres Americano
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Persecuted by the Nation, exalted by cinema
Communism in The May Revolution
Rebecca Ferreira Dias
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Cinema and urban memory
Estrutural documentary and narratives about the consolidation of Cidade Estrutural ”“ DF
Leila Saads
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Enunciating Counter-Hegemony
Candanga's Narratives of "Romance do Vaqueiro Voador"
Cristiane de Assis Portela, Anna Lorena Morais Silva
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an analysis of the film “Um Crime Na Rua” by Olney São Paulo
Alisson Oliveira Soares de Santana, Luís Vitor Castro Júnior
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Utopia and destruction, ruin and progress
the social marginalized condition in the movie A Margem (1967), by Ozualdo Candeias
Vinícius da Cunha Bisterço
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The prince and the poet
the Russian and Transcaucase past through the lens of Sergei Eisenstein and Parajanov
Yuri Leonardo Rosa Stelmach, Lúcio Geller Junior
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Filming is listening
history, memory, and alterity in the documentary Santo forte (1999)
Vanda Fortuna Serafim, Gabriella Bertrami Vieira
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The Cinema-History relationship
theoretical and methodological foundations
Bruno José Yashinishi
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Image, montage and history on Videograms of a Revolution by Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujică
Barbara Mangueira do Nascimento
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History, sertão and becoming-sensitive in Cinema aspirins and vultures
Marcelo Fidelis Kockel
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Arid Movies
the encounter between Pierre Sorlin’s Methodology and the autochtonous northeastern hinterland films
Diogo Cavalcanti Velasco
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The absurd minimalism in the animation Death and Life of a Severino by Afonso Serpa
Daniel Ferreira da Silva
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Jazz as a Catalysis Element in Greek Tragedy, according to Friedrich Nietzsche, in the movie Crisis (1945) by Ingmar Bergman
Hellen Silvia Marques Gonçalves
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The Ancient Music as a narrative element in cinema
an analysis of the Greek chorus in Electra (1962) and Disney’s Hercules (1997)
Felipe Nascimento de Araujo
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Pink Floyd - The Wall
a dystopia of self-isolation in the 1982 feature film
Franco Santos Alves da Silva
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Movie’s operation in the History teachers training
an experience in UEPG (2016-2018)
Luis Fernando Cerri, Rosângela Maria Silva Petuba
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Public history and historical culture in contemporary audiovisual production
Josias José Freire Júnior
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Oscar Wilde Goes to the Movies
The framing of the dandy’s image in ‘Wilde’ (1997) and ‘Velvet Goldmine’ (1998)
Yuri Barbosa Resende
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“A vacuum built on a void”
East German cinema and the generational conflict over the past
Monaliza Caetano dos Santos
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Honorable or infernal struggle?
World War II from the films Tankers (2018) and Once More Unto the Breach (2019)
Andreza Santos Cruz Maynard
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Conservatism in the Cinema of the 1980s
analysis of the Film “Excalibur, the Sword of Power”
Ramiro Paim Trindade Junior
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Mary Magdalene in the cinema
the biblical epic films and the biopic of 2018
Talita Von Gilsa
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Anarchism, conciliation and conflict in La Patagonia Rebelde (1974)
Maurício Knevitz, Alexandre Moroso Guilhão
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The fetish of digital techno-productivity by Ken Loach
the labour uberization in the film Sorry we missed you
Cíntia Medina, xxx xxx
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The "historiographical turn" in film studies
disruptions and continuities
Vanessa Montenegro
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Before and beyond screens
economy and cinematographic market in Latin American countries
Renata Santos Maia, Fernando Rodrigues Oliveira
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Glauber Rocha and the relative autonomy of the artistic field
the case of the documentary “Amazonas, Amazonas” (1966)
Rosiel do Nascimento Mendonça, Sérgio Ivan Gil Braga
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The dive of the other
against homophobia and transphobia, an interview with Émerson Maranhão
Carlos Renato Araujo Freire, Francisco das Chagas Fernandes Santiago Júnior
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Research Notes
Violence as spectacle
an analysis of the relation between mass media, justice and violence on Black Mirror
Marianne Lopes Braga Batista
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The “Haitianist” accusations in the racialized brazilian society of the first half of the Nineteenth
Luã Pedro Rocha Carvalho
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The trajectory of the Brazilian Labor Party in Bahia
first readings
Hebert Santos Oliveira
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