Communicative task design by pre-service teachers: materializing principles, creating meanings


  • Rita de Cássia Barbirato Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
  • Marina Pereira Carandina



communicative tasks, pre-service teacher education, reflexive teaching, language teaching


This article aims to present and discuss in which ways teachers in the beginning of their academic lives were able to materialize the principles of task-based teaching (TBT) after being part of a teaching extension course and have designed communicative activities of this type. The extension course was leaded at a federal university in the countryside of São Paulo and its content was the theoretical principles that involved the concept of communicative tasks and its design. At the end of the course, students were asked to elaborate the communicative tasks and they presented it on last class of the course. As a theoretical reference for the course and for the analysis of the data, were based on Prabhu (1987), Nunan (1989), Skehan (1996), Ellis (2003), Xavier (1999), Barbirato (2005), Vieira Abrahão (2006), among others studies. Three participants were chosen for an analysis that it is presented on this article based on the criterion of being pre-service teachers. A quiz and the video record of the last class of the course were used as data collection and the task that they produced was also analyzed. As a result, the study shows that the principles of task design were partially accomplished on the participants produced tasks. However, it would be necessary a more profound approach in the theoretical studies. The results also show an emphasis on interactive nature tasks.


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Author Biography

Marina Pereira Carandina

Master Degree in Linguistics Studies Program - UFSCar


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How to Cite

Barbirato, R. de C., & Carandina, M. P. (2019). Communicative task design by pre-service teachers: materializing principles, creating meanings. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 18(2), 139–166.




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