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Vol. 1 No. 39 (2021): Dossiê História do Tempo Presente: itinerários, dilemas e perspectivas de investigação
Vol. 1 No. 39 (2021): Dossiê História do Tempo Presente: itinerários, dilemas e perspectivas de investigação
Artur Nogueira Santos e Costa
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Editorial conjunto:
Por uma política de valorização das Revistas acadêmicas na área de História
Fórum de Editores de periódicos da área de História
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Apresentação do dossiê
Sobre as querelas do Tempo (Presente)
Elisangela da Silva Machieski, Ana Luiza Mello Santiago de Andrade
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Partido Operário Comunista (POC)
uma história do tempo presente
Celso Ramos Figueiredo Filho
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Corruption in contemporary Brazil
a study of federal political crimes in Brazil (2004-2015)
Francisco Rente Neto
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censorship and violence in the Brazilian military dictatorship
Natália Martins Besagio
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Songs not to be forgotten:
the traces of the Nueva Canción Chilena in the memory of brazilian cutural resistance in the 1970s
Rodrigo Lauriano Soares
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Dictatorships in the Southern Cone
a conceptual debate and representations of the past
Leonardo Lopes de Mendonça
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History and Memory
the persistence of hindered memories
Carlos Gilberto Pereira Dias
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The politics of time, contemporaneity, and history of the present time
reflections from the celebrations of the "500 years of Brazil" (2000)
Pedro Henrique Batistella
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The Fourth World Conference on Women and the Brazilian State strategies to implement gender equality
Glenda Lunardi
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The body as implosion of the world
ontology of the present, feminist literary imagination and erotic fabulation
Gabriela Simonetti Trevisan, Fábio Gonzaga Gesueli, Varlei Rodrigo do Couto
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Bourdieu's Theory of the State and the refugee's non-place
Suzyanne Valeska Maciel de Sousa
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Cultural identities in post-modernity, modern and presentist historicity regimes and the History of the Present Time
Vinicius Silveira Luz
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Aldir Blanc Law, immaterial cultural policy and folia de reis in the Santa Helena de Minas (MG)
André Luis Santos de Souza, André Luiz Ribeiro de Araújo
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Remote Teaching in Early Childhood Education from 0 to 3 years old
reflections on a Present Time of History
Greiciane Farias da Silva
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Jornal Paraná Centro, reporting to misinform
news about COVID-19 in Ivaiporã-PR
Paulo Roberto Krüger
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Dialogues, intersections and possibilities within the scope of the History of Present Time
interview with Reinaldo Lindolfo Lohn
Tâmyta Fávero
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Historical migrations, oral history and life trajectories
a conversation with Professor Dr. Luis Fernando Beneduzi
Nathália Pereira Cabral
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Between the cold prison bars and the prickly flowers
a study on the expatriation process of Cuban intellectual Reinaldo Arenas
Ualisson Pereira Freitas
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Notes on a history of travestility
social practice, perversion, art and identity
Anderson Marques Roberto
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Before makeup and transformations
an analysis of the practices and representations of transvestites in the city of Ituiutaba (1990s to 2019)
Gustavo de Souza Rubbi
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Giant communist spiders and dead capitalism
Cold War and science fiction in the works of Robert Heinlein and Iván Efrémov
Raphael Silva Fagundes
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The idealization of the "mother of the poor"
the performance of the first lady Luíza Távora in Ceará (1960-1990)
Norma Sueli Semião Freitas
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Between two epoches
representations of the 19th and 20th centuries in the press in Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais between 1900 and 1901
Flávio Raimundo Giarola
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Who must pay the “blood tax”?
Parliamentary debates over recruitment for the army in the Reign of Pedro I of Brazil
Pedro Henrique Soares Santos
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Under the Lombrosian light of the opinions on Biotypology of the state of Sergipe
expert reports on the inmates of the Model Penitentiary of Aracaju/SE, 1926-1960
Daysi Lange, Mariana Emanuelle Barreto de Gois, Renata Mascarenhas Freitas de Aragão
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Research Notes
Literature and violence in the teaching of History
a brief analysis of the writings of Carolina Maria de Jesus and Scholastique Mukasonga
Adriana Gomes Ferreira
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women and memory (1930-1940)
Antoniel Neres dos Santos, Jackeline Mendonça Costa
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