Under the sign of light and shadows: the imagery of autonomy in education


  • Manuel Gonçalves Barbosa Universidade do Minho




Imagery, Autonomy, Redefinitions, Education


The imagery of autonomy has a long past behind it and still concentrates major attention in education. Nevertheless, due to its redefinition in terms of self-sufficiency, self-care, “I entrepreneur”, individual responsibility and mandatory self-determination, it is questionable whether these redefinitions should be promoted by education, because apparently they are not articulated with the bright side of that imagery , that is, with the freedom and emancipation of mankind. Our goal, after an historic journey to deepen in the theme of imagery of autonomy, consists in analyzing the lights and the shadows which currently involve that imagery, and questioning, in regard to education, if it is still worthwhile to invest in that imagery and in what way.


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Author Biography

Manuel Gonçalves Barbosa, Universidade do Minho

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal. Professor Associado na Universidade do Minho, vinculado ao Instituto de Educação e ao Departamento de Teoria da Educação e Educação Artística e Física. Integra o Centro de Estudos em Educação (Cied) e coordena o projeto Educação, Cidadania e Sociedade Civil. Publicações recentes: A educação em arenas sociais multiculturais. Revalorização do papel da sociedade civil (2011); Educação e imaginário intercultural: recomposição do papel da sociedade civil (2012).



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How to Cite

Barbosa, M. G. (2012). Under the sign of light and shadows: the imagery of autonomy in education. Linhas Críticas, 18(36), 249–264. https://doi.org/10.26512/lc.v18i36.3914




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