Proxemics of children's experiences of risky play in specific leisure equipment




Child, Play, Physical Education Facilities


Proxemics studies the relationship between bodies and the space around them. We adopted it as a theoretical-methodological research model for participant observation in territories of risky play. To this end, we conducted a field study in children's playgrounds. Based on the mobilized reference, we found that children self-organize and build, in a relational way, patterns of bodily approximation that reflect their interests in intergenerational or peer relationships. Because of this, we found in children's proxemics a privileged way of listening to and unveiling children's participation, highlighting how they organize their relationship with others and with the territory of play.


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Author Biographies

Giuliano Gomes de Assis Pimentel, Maringá State University, Maringá, Brazil

PhD in Physical Education from the Campinas State University (2006). Associate Professor at Maringá State University. Leader of the Leisure Study Group. E-mail:

André da Silva Mello, Espírito Santo Federal University, Vitória, Brazil 

PhD in Physical Education from the Gama Filho University (2007). Associate Professor III of the Physical Education and Sports Center at the Espírito Santo Federal University. Leader of the Learning Center with Children and their Productions. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Pimentel, G. G. de A., & Mello, A. da S. (2023). Proxemics of children’s experiences of risky play in specific leisure equipment. Linhas Críticas, 29, e50794.



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