Transformations of figures of the self and the other in biographical mediation




Experience, Counseling, Training of trainers


The memorial, as a research-training device, comprises two levels of narrative reflection that take place when narrating the lived experience and when reinterpreting the narrated experience. The article focuses on passages from one level to the other, articulating the triple mimesis, conceived by Ricœur (1994), and the three dimensions of biographical mediation. The figures of the mediator and the narrator, proposed by Josso (2006, 2010a), symbolize here the changes in the representation of the self-brought about by writing, both for the person who narrates and for those who accompany them. The interest of the article is to contribute to the understanding of the accompaniment of biographical processes in the training of teachers and trainers.


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Author Biography

Maria da Conceição Passeggi, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil

PhD in Linguistics from the Université de Montpellier 3, Montpellier (1981). Full professor at Universidade Cidade de São Paulo and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. CNPq Pq1-D researcher. Leader of the Interdisciplinary Research Group, Formation, Auto.biography, Representations and Subjectivities (GRIFARS-UFRN-CNPq). Email:


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How to Cite

Passeggi, M. da C. (2023). Transformations of figures of the self and the other in biographical mediation. Linhas Críticas, 29, e48135.



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