“Becoming the master of yourself”: on the current ethical-educational relevance of a classical challenge


  • Angelo Vitório Cenci Universidade de Passo Fundo - RS




Mastering oneself, Character, Decentralization, Will, Self-regulation


This paper is aimed at revisiting Aristotle, Kant and Piaget, in order to identify in such authors contributions to bring to the floor a problematic which is crucial to the sphere of moral education, namely, “becoming the master of yourself”. Despite the temporal distance and theoretical differences among those three authors, we consider that their approaches converge to defend the need to develop in individuals the ability to master themselves. Such mastering allows the subject to contest the immediacy of his wishes and is a condition to reach a satisfactory level of coherence between moral judgment and action. Ultimately, when related to the field of moral education, this problematic points to the need to educate subjects, so as to create the conditions for them to regulate themselves morally.


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Author Biography

Angelo Vitório Cenci, Universidade de Passo Fundo - RS

Professor do curso de filosofia e do programa de pós-graduação em educação da Universidade de Passo Fundo/RS.


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How to Cite

Cenci, A. V. (2012). “Becoming the master of yourself”: on the current ethical-educational relevance of a classical challenge. Linhas Críticas, 18(36), 265–282. https://doi.org/10.26512/lc.v18i36.3920


