464Sensitizing the inner human nature: man-nature unity and environmental education
Nature, Philosophy, Sensibility, Environmental educationAbstract
This paper seeks to contribute with a philosophical approach to a more consitent foundation of Environmental Education, in order to make possible the improvement of public health in communities through disease-prevention practices. Firstly, the text shows the relationship between public health and environmental education; next, it brings a philosophical and historical comprehension of the man-nature relationship, claiming that nature is an intrinsic aspect of the human condition. Lastly, it supports the idea that the emergence of attitudes of human sensitization towards nature is not antagonistic with an ontology that has always been present in human history and that approximates man and physis. The thesis supported in the paper is that the acceptance of human sensibility can bring together three fields of knowledge (public health, environmental education and philosophy) and might be a bridge to restore elements which have been lost, repressed or forgotten with the man-nature split that took place more expressively with modern science, which clearly dichotomized the subject and the object of knowledge.
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