Text genre in mathematics literacy and mathematics textbooks of the PNLD 2010 PNLD 2010


  • Ronaldo Barros Ripardo Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA




Textbooks, Mathematical literacy, Text Genre, Text Support


This article discusses how the concept of text genre appears in some of the stages of the PNLD 2010 actions and how some books indicated by the Guide of textbooks propose activities with text genre to explore mathematical contents. Documents involved in the PNLD selection process and two textbooks of an approved collection were analyzed under a theoretical framework based on Marcuschi and Chartier. Distortions concerning the notions of text genre and type can be seen in the Guide’s reviews. As for the books, few of them present activities that explore texts in their general constitutive aspects. Moreover, the proposed activities have little to do with the mathematical content presented in the texts.


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Author Biography

Ronaldo Barros Ripardo, Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA


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How to Cite

Ripardo, R. B. (2012). Text genre in mathematics literacy and mathematics textbooks of the PNLD 2010 PNLD 2010. Linhas Críticas, 18(36), 339–360. https://doi.org/10.26512/lc.v18i36.3936




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