Attending school within the context of armed violence

negotiating their presence




Violence, School, Children, Cúcuta


This paper aims to understand the ways in which armed violence in the city of Cúcuta permeates school life by analyzing the ways in which children and young people re-create this violence within the school. The exploration shows us a permanent intrusion of this violence within the school space as part of the threatening reality of the territory, the use of the militarized logic that children and young people carry out within the walls and the uses they make of the links with these armed actors to exercise their dominance over others and at the same time configure their recognition by their peers.


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Author Biography

Nohora Constanza Niño Vega, Cátedras Conacyt, El Colegio de Sonora, México

Doctora en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales México (2017). Investigadora Cátedras Conacyt - El Colegio de Sonora. Participa en el Observatorio de Investigación con las infancias. Email:


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How to Cite

Niño Vega, N. C. (2021). Attending school within the context of armed violence: negotiating their presence. Linhas Críticas, 27, e35059.



Dossier: Participaciones y resistencias de las infancias y juventudes de AL

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