The training of beginning French teachers based on Activity Ergonomics and Activity Clinic




Activity Ergonomics, Activity Clinic, Teacher training, Foreign language teaching


The entry of a young teacher into a professional career is often permeated with insecurity and anguish. Understanding this process is essential to provide the beginner with tools that will help him/her go through this stage more smoothly. In this sense, the general objective of this paper is to analyze the teaching activity of two beginning French teachers, to unveil and understand the situations that impact their teaching activity. More specifically, we intend to answer the following questions: 1) What are the difficulties observed by beginner teachers in the moment of their teaching activity? and 2) What strategies and resources do these teachers use to deal with the difficulties presented and to construct their teaching activity? Self-confrontation, a methodological instrument from the Activity Clinic, was used with the two beginning teachers, having the first author as a conductor of the process. Results show that there are multiple elements that impact the activity of beginning teachers, among which we highlight: the unforeseen events in the classroom, time management and the teachers' lack of pedagogical practice. Self-confrontation, by highlighting such elements, allows teachers, exposed to the image of their own work, to analyze it and give it a new meaning.   


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How to Cite

Bahia, M. de O. ., Farias, A. L. G., & Magno e Silva, W. (2022). The training of beginning French teachers based on Activity Ergonomics and Activity Clinic. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 21(1), AG7.