Um estudo de caso sobre o Português como Língua de Herança (PLH) nas cidades de Suzuka e Sakai, Japão
Portuguese as a Heritage Language, Beliefs and actions, Brazil-Japan immigrationAbstract
This article is a primer on converting some chapters from the dissertation based on collective case study regarding beliefs and actions of Brazilian immigrants in Japan about ‘Portuguese as a Heritage Language’ (PLH). The research aimed at identifying the participant’s beliefs on learning the PLH and their actions concerning its maintenance, as well as analyzing the relations established among their beliefs and actions on PLH. The theoretical framework that allowed the study was the ‘Heritage Language’ (LH) and PLH studies, as well as the research on beliefs and actions. Therefore, the methodology was the qualitative research carried by interpretative approach, feasible on beliefs contextual research approach and used the following data collection instruments: observations, field notes, semi-structured interviews and mixed written questionnaire. The results showed a close relation between the beliefs and action of the participants in the learning and teaching process of PLH from their children, thereby resulting in common grounds and beam divergences of beliefs on assigning different values and objectives on the LH learning, continuity of study and, finally, the implications of mother’s monolingualism and their children’s bilingualism.
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