Developmental teaching of the activity: an introduction to the study of the Zankovian system (1957-1977)
Didactics, Development, Activity, Zankovian systemAbstract
This article has an introductory character. There are some clues about the place occupied, the role played and the evolution experienced by the Zankovian developmental system, in relation to the other systems (Galperin-Talizina and Elkonin-Davidov), which emerged within the developmental teaching of the activity. The Zankovian system is based on the assumptions formulated by Vygotsky and Rubinstein on the reciprocal influence between the processes of obutchénie (teaching-learning) and development of the human psyche. The purpose of the text is to deal in particular with the trajectory covered and the main theoretical contributions of the Zankovian system during the first twenty years (1957-1977). In order to do so, it was sought to: a) establish the evolutionary stages of the system, from the systematization of its genesis and historical process; b) analyze, at the same time, the theoretical and practical contributions that the system made through research in laboratories, experimental schools and the public basic education network. Access to a relatively large and valuable volume of works in Russian, english and spanish - most of which is unknown in Brazil - allowed for the elaboration of a text that, although still of an introductory nature, may be useful for future research.
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