From the degree of difficulty to a continuum of complexity: textual analysis of items of the Enem




Discursive topic, Enem, Textual complexity, Types of discourse


Research in the field of language studies about Enem compose a vast scenario of themes and approaches. In this paper, we focus on the textual dimension of the items in Enem. Therefore, our goal is to propose the analysis of the item through the perspective of textual complexity, and thus to contribute to the debate about its quality and its empirical behavior. We present indicators of textual-nature complexity, which are related to the compositional dimension of the text, and which allow us to observe different levels within a continuous of complexity in the items. We consider two textual categories: types of discourse and the discursive topic. To demonstrate the reasoning that items can be analyzed according to the textual complexity criterion, supported by these categories, we analyze 24 items of Enem/2016.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, C. L., & Conceição, J. A. (2021). From the degree of difficulty to a continuum of complexity: textual analysis of items of the Enem. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 20(1), AG4.