Tarefas de linguagem e funções comunicativas num curso online preparatório para o Celpe-Bras


  • Ana Luiza Gabatteli
  • Vanessa Borges de Almeida UnB




Oral proficiency assessment, Celpe-Bras, Portuguese as second language teaching, Technologies in language teaching


This paper is a result of a qualitative action research, which involved the development of an online preparatory course for the Speaking paper of the Celpe-Bras exam. The research question was: what are the contributions of the use of communicative speaking tasks in the preparation for the exam? Three Spanish-speaking students were participants in this study. Data were collected from the synchronous and asynchronous activities students engaged in while taking the course. Results indicate that many communicative functions elicited on the speaking paper of the Celpe-Bras exam were also observed on the tasks and interactions on the course.


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How to Cite

Gabatteli, A. L., & Almeida, V. B. de. (2018). Tarefas de linguagem e funções comunicativas num curso online preparatório para o Celpe-Bras. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.26512/rhla.v17i2.23375


