The recognition has occurred regarding students of licensure in education who have entered UFG/ Regional Goiânia via the quota system




Affirmative actions, Quotas, Licensure in education, Recognition


The article aims at presenting how recognition has occurred regarding students of licensure in education who have entered UFG via the quota system. This institution has worked with the quota system since 2009 by means of the program UFG/ Inclui. Based on the theory of recognition, by Axel Honneth (2003), and on the data produced, this article discusses how the quota system students recognize themselves within the university regarding their recognition of others. The results pinpoint that, UFG has democratized access, promoting actions of recognition on the legal level, although insufficiently. It is also shown that the high index of students dropout can be influenced by a lack of recognition on the social steam level.


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How to Cite

Barreto, K. C., & Devechi, C. P. V. (2017). The recognition has occurred regarding students of licensure in education who have entered UFG/ Regional Goiânia via the quota system. Linhas Críticas, 22(48), 427–441.



Dossiê 2016 - Educação do Campo e Indígena

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