Translating at the risk of interpreting: seeking asylum or exile in the language of the other
Tradução e subversão; solicitante de refúgio; interpretação comunitária; imigração.Abstract
This is the translation of the text Traduire au risque de l'interprétation : demander asile ou exil dans la langue de l'autre, written by Claire Gillie for the book organised by Arnold CASTELAIN, Traduction et migration: enjeux éthiques et techniques, in 2020. In it, Gillie evokes how it is possible to translate the Other, the one who seeks refuge and asylum, and the helplessness of someone who "has lost everything" - even his port of origin - and who arrives in a land that supposedly "welcomes his helplessness", while the Other, the social bearer of another language.
GILLIE, Claire. Traduire au risque de l'interprétation : demander asile ou exil dans la langue de l'autre, publicado em CASTELAIN, Arnold. Traduction et migration: enjeux éthiques et techniques. Presses de l’Inalco, 2020.
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