
  • Alex Sales Leal Junior Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Rubens Silva Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)



Problematization. Contextualization. Teaching Physics through investigation. Science Club. Indicators.


This work aims to characterize the indicative elements of the contextualization and problematization processes in a class on the Laws of Inertia and Action and Reaction at the Science Club of UFPA, which is an informal internship space. Through the planning of the class, the report of its development; carried out with students from the 6th and 7th year of elementary school; and from the written records of these students, identifications were made of the elements present in the pedagogical situations that allowed characterizing the processes of problematization and contextualization during the application of a class in which the strategy of teaching science by investigation was used. It was observed that the behavior and dialogues of the students in the classroom presented moments of contradiction during their arguments against the situation of the proposed investigation. Another possible indicator was the relationship between what was being investigated in the classroom and everyday situations. Thus, from the initial problematization made by the teachers, the process of contextualization by the students was reached. We consider that the interventions, during the mediations of the pedagogical processes, were more significant for encouraging and leading the student's participation, and that knowledge is needed that goes beyond the content to be taught for the development of a contextualized teaching and the formation of the student as citizen and as a propagating agent of knowledge and information in accordance with the objectives of the National Curriculum Parameter (PCN) for elementary education.


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How to Cite

LEAL JUNIOR, Alex Sales; SILVA, Rubens. THE INDICATORS OF PROBLEMATIZATION AND CONTEXTUALIZATION PROCESSES IN A PHYSICS CLASS. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 6, n. Especial, p. 52–60, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v1i1.45931. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



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