The right to health and medicines in the universalist narratives of human rights and facing the reality of the Lex Mercatoria
Health, Medicines, International instruments, Patents, TradeAbstract
It is a fact that the right to health is violated in the world, therefore, this research article provides a panoramic vision of the obligations that fall on the States with respect to its guarantee and delves into the access to medicines as a form of essential to fulfill it, understanding this right as the enjoyment of the highest possible level of health and access to medicines as a condition of humanity in their relationship with the patients who require them. After the analysis, our article shows that this right is already contradictory from its own international legal texts. In this regard, a regulatory framework for the protection of access to medicines is documented coexisting with a commercial framework of pharmaceutical patents, which causes a radical denial of the right to health in an unfavorable context in which the conditions established by the market predominate.
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