Notes about the black population's erasure in the National Truth Commission's report - 2014


  • Tairane Ribeiro da Silva UFRGS



National Truth Commission.Civil-Military Dictatorship.Black Population.


The National Truth Commission, established by Law no. 12,528 in June 2012 with the task of investigating cases of human rights violations suffered at the time of the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship (1964-1964) by implementing the "right to memory and historical truth and promoting national reconciliation. After the work finalized by the CNV, society was delivered on December 10, 2014 the final report of activities where the results presented at the end of the activities showed an erasure about the problematization of the black population in the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship, therefore due to this absence, the proposal of this article is to make visible the black and black victims who appear in the final number of deaths and disappearances by the dictatorship in the final report of the CNV addressing their profiles, professional performance, political organizations in which they participated, in addition to presenting some debates around the situation of the black population in the period.


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Fontes Primárias
COMISSÃO, Nacional da Verdade. Relatório Final. Brasília, 2014.
COMISSÃO, Da Verdade do Estado de São Paulo “Rubens Paiva”. Verdades Abertas. São Paulo, 2015.

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How to Cite

RIBEIRO DA SILVA, Tairane. Notes about the black population’s erasure in the National Truth Commission’s report - 2014. Em Tempo de Histórias, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 36, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/emtempos.v1i36.31751. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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