Imperialism in the classroom

an analysis of the PNLD 2020 History textbooks


  • Thiago Sampaio UNESP/Assis



Textbook. Imperialism. Colonialism. PNLD.


Annually, as Brazilian public schools, it receives didactic works from the National Textbook Program. The last evaluation carried out was related to the year 2020, which was evaluated books for the last years of Elementary School. One of the areas covered by the PNLD is the discipline of History, which had a total of eleven collections available for teachers to choose from. In this last PNLD, the works should be in accordance with the Common National Curricular Base proposed for each discipline that constitutes the curriculum of students in Brazilian schools. In view of this, the present work sought to analyze the chapters that worked with the theme of Imperialism in the eighth-year books of Elementary Education in the collections made available for evaluation by teachers, seeking to understand the interpretations of their authors on this historical phenomenon, the conceptual approach employed and imagery available throughout the evaluated chapters.


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Fontes (Livros didáticos)
BOULOS JUNIOR, Alfredo. História sociedade & cidadania: 8º ano. São Paulo: FTD, 2018.
BRAICK, Patrícia Ramos. Estudas hitória: das origens do homem à era digital. São Paulo: Moderna, 2018.
CAMPOS, Flávio de. História: escola e democracia. São Paulo: Moderna, 2018.
COTRIM, Gilberto. Historiar, 8º ano. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2018.
DIAS, Adriana Machado. Vontade de saber história. São Paulo: Quinteto Editorial, 2018.
EDITORA MODERNA. Araribá mais: história. São Paulo: Moderna, 2018.
MINORELLI, Caroline Torres. Convergências história. São Paulo: Edições SM, 2018.
NEMI, Ana Lúcia Lana. Geração Alpha História: ensino fundamental. São Paulo: Edições SM, 2018.
SERIACOPI, Gislane Campos Azevedo. Inspire história: 8º ano. São Paulo: FTD, 2018.
VAINFAS, Ronaldo. História.doc. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2018.
VICENTINO, Cláudio. Teláris história: 8º ano. São Paulo: Ática, 2018

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How to Cite

SAMPAIO, Thiago. Imperialism in the classroom: an analysis of the PNLD 2020 History textbooks. Em Tempo de Histórias, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 36, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/emtempos.v1i36.30731. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 may. 2024.