Intralingual and interlingual translation of Pato do amor, a haiku in written Libras
Sign Language Literature. Poetry in Libras/Portuguese. SignWriting. Interlingual Translation. Intralin-gual Translation.Abstract
This work analyzes the translation of a haiku from written Libras into Libras in video and into Portuguese. It seeks to answer the question: What features stand out when compensating for the poetry of the written form of sign language in its translation to video, and also into spoken language? Answers to this question can contribute to a better understanding of poetry in Libras, expand the possibilities of using sign language writing, and extend the concept of literary translation between Libras and Portuguese. We begin with the concept of translation as transcreation according to Campos (2015), and studies on Libras literature by Sutton-Spence (2021). We analyse Maurício Barreto's Pato do amor, a poem written in Libras. The analysis aims to classify the poem as a haiku, and understand the linguistic elements present in the poem. Then, we present and comment on two translations, one intralingual from written Libras into video Libras, which proved to be more than a simple reading and involved adaptations that highlight poetic possibilities of the recording; and one interlingual translation from written Libras into written Portuguese. We conclude that the poetic resources available in Libras can vary according to the mode of use of the language (written or oral). Video poetry further explored symmetry, morphism, and the repeated use of hand shapes. The translation into Portuguese revealed that typography and word choice worked together to benefit iconicity. In all translations, the selected features sought to make the version as visual as the original.
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