The The Libras educational translator/interpreter training:
reflections based on the proposal of the PACTE research group
Educational Translator, Interpreter, Libras, Training, PACTEAbstract
In this paper, our goal is to present a proposal of a Teaching Unit (TU) aimed at the training of the Libras Educational Translator/Interpreter based on the theoretical-methodological framework put forward by Hurtado Albir, coordinator of the PACTE Group. In this context, this study is carried out at the interface between the two research fields mentioned: The process of acquisition of Translation Competence (CT) and Libras Translator/Interpreter education. Regarding the contribution by the PACTE group, this study is informed by the theoretical framework adopted by this research group, which is based on 3 (three) axes, namely, the conceptual, pedagogical and methodological bases. The conceptual basis emphasizes the concepts of translation, translation competence and acquisition of translation competence. The pedagogical basis draws on a conceptual composition that involves Piaget, Vigotsky and Ausubel, in order to advocate a competence-based training of translators. The methodological basis focuses on providing subsidies to a curricular organization that can be used as an inspiration in the management of translator training in any area or language pair. Regarding the Libras Educational Translator/Interpreter, this paper draws on a complex of discussions among which we highlight the consolidation of Libras as a language, the professionalization of the activity of the Libras translator interpreter, the growth of the branch of the Libras Educational Translator/Interpreter and the need for training proposals that address this specific field. Finally, as an illustration of the proposal, this paper mobilizes the contributions by Hurtado Albir and the PACTE group and presents the elaboration of a TU directed to the Libras Translator/Interpreter education.
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