Fracture through language, resistance to be

afro-brazilian literature and the black subject in Água de Barrela by Eliana Alves Cruz




Afro-Brazilian Literature, Black Subject, Água de Barrela


In this article, we examine how the narrative constructs social and historical positions for black subjects in the novel Água de Barrela, written by journalist Eliana Alves Cruz (2018). From this perspective, the materiality of writing emerges as a key literary device for understanding the  discourses that features black characters as central figures. Consequently, linguistic resources are employed to challenge fascist natures of the language used, thereby constructing images that incorporate cosmogonic elements of Yoruba culture. Furthermore, we analyze the power dynamics imposed on black bodies and formation of their subjectivities as a result of enslavement. This analysis draws on the reflections of by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira (2022) on Afro-Brazilian literature, the analytical frameworks of “power relations” by Michel Foucault (1995) and Achile Mbembe’s (2019) considerations on the power relationship between black people and slavery.


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How to Cite

Lima, G. (2024). Fracture through language, resistance to be: afro-brazilian literature and the black subject in Água de Barrela by Eliana Alves Cruz. Revista Cerrados, 33(65), 180–191.

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