Literature and the experience of the abyss


  • Piero Eyben


Abyss. Experience. Limit. Derrida. Aporia.


The binding of the modern subject to fragmentation, dispersion and the denial proposes a context in which the poet can be thought of as an explorer of the abyss of thought and language, making his art articulates with the potentiality of this space of essential solitude (as defined by Blanchot). In this way, since the “writing of the disaster”, the thought, by aestheticizing itself, produces a shattering of references and a language that is no longer able to demonstrate its original source. Thus, based on this negative tradition, this essay aims to discuss the relationship between trace (Spur and trace), absent foundation/void (Abgrund), breakthrough (frayage) and the aesthetic comprehension by living with the experience of the abyss that puts the literary language forward the aporia of thought.


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How to Cite

Eyben, P. (2012). Literature and the experience of the abyss. Revista Cerrados, 21(33). Retrieved from

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