Reflections on the process of creating and evaluating an introductory online course on hermeneutic translation
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Translator Education. Hermeneutic Translation. Instructional Design. Integrated Approach. ADDIE.Résumé
Translation Studies (TS) is a relatively new field which emerged in the 70s. One of the aims of the field is to research about the education of translators. According to Venuti (2018), many translation courses and programs exist, and there are still no courses where translation is seen as an interpretive model. Venuti (2019) argues that such an interpretive model, coined by him as hermeneutic, needs to be developed and applied. Costa (2018) argues that in the Brazilian context, technologies need to be used in the classroom, online teaching must be explored and researched, and social responsibility must be taught. Thus, this paper aims to propose an online course with a hermeneutic model in translation. By using Venuti’s (2019) elements of hermeneutic translation, Snell-hornby’s (1995) Integrated Approach and Kelly’s (2005) pedagogical theory of translation course creation aided by Instructional Design’s ADDIE model (MORRISON, et al., 2013), the following research question will be addressed: “How an online course with an hermeneutic view of translation is designed?”. By the means of a qualitative approach of interpretive nature, a proposal of an online course will be created, being described and related to possible translation competences that can be fostered. Results show that a short course can be designed using the translation theories while providing a model that could possibly be tested and reproduced within a Moodle environment.
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