Posthistoric poem: poetry as an exercise in translation and encounter between langues and languages. The case of Haroldo de Campos’ Galáxias
Poetry as translation. Plurilingualism. Trauma and translation. Disasters. Books.Abstract
The text makes a reading of the work Galáxias by Haroldo de Campos from some thematic axes: the end of the book in its traditional form; the work as an assembly of fragments and ruins of the catastrophes of the 20th century; the presence of plurilingualism in the work and its exploration of the non-sense; the relationship between the poem and the tradition of urban and travel literature. Starting from Vilém Flusser's notion of post-history, associated with the idea of end of the book era and the crisis of linear alphabetic writing, the article delves into Haroldo's text, highlighting his work as a performance of the journey, as an act at the same time foundational, fruitful, and finally, a real mourning and redemption from the death of the book.
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