legal practice, interdisciplinarity, legal educationAbstract
In this paper we argued the existence of a “central model of legal practice” connected to the traditional paradigm that, basically, a) does not encourage inter and transdisciplinary studies, to that the legal knowledge itself is submitted to a critical and problematizing appreciation; and b) does not articulate technical knowledge with social reality, even in those curriculum components most related to the classic law activities, such as advocacy and judiciary. That is, the traditional legal formation and its practice model does not help to train neither “practical” nor “theoretical” studants. This problems do not obstruct the search for institutional solutions in the legal practice, a fact that has been practically forgeted by critical theories of law and legal education. Therefore, greater boldness and creativity are advocated in the creation and structuring of Legal Practice Centers (LPCs), replacing the traditional “model office” and/or free legal aid services, to another model, in order to link teaching, empirical research, extension and practice, with positive and transformative consequences for the formation of studants
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