Initial results of chinese herbal therapy in the treatment of recurrent vaginal candidiasis
Therapeutic herbs, Chinese formula, Candida albicans, Vulvovaginal infectionAbstract
The aim was to promote the dissemination of complementary treatments with medicinal herbs listed in the Chinese pharmacopoeia. Studies demonstrate a greater amount of nutrients and active phytochemicals, which contribute to the organic functions, present in plants with agroecological management. Chinese herbal medicine and agroecology created an alternative treatment with therapeutic herbs, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable life. Cases of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis treated with Chinese herbal medicine in 2022 were reported. The treatment plan was from 10 to 35 sessions, prescribing patented formulas composed of 7 to 10 herbs. The treatments lasted from 6 to 10 months, were completed and followed up for up to the next 6 months, recording the disappearance of the discomforts reported at the initial consultation. Thus, Chinese herbal medicine with its energetic therapeutic properties is considered a complementary treatment in favor of recurrent candidiasis.
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