Agroecology as a promoter of health and food safety: An experience of socio technical, networks in northeastern Brazil
Public Policy, Family Agriculture, Traditional Agri-Food Systems, Single HealthAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the contemporary crisis related to food, an essential right to health. Agroecology promotes food security in the context of “One Health”, preserving heritage, social and biocultural diversity. This experience in Sergipe and Alagoas presents Agroecology as a promoter of food security and health. Embrapa Coastal Boards with Brazilian Semi-Arid Articulation (ASA), Centro Dom José Brandão de Castro (CDJBC) and the Association of Alternative Farmers (AAGRA) implemented 60 Learning Units (UAs) built by socio-technical networks, using participatory action-research methodology. The innovation solutions were built by socio-technical networks, based on the local reality and the dialogue and integration of knowledge. The importance of public policies and the protagonism of families, settlers and quilombolas in the agroecological production of food for the promotion of food security and health is notorious.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tereza Cristina Oliveira, Ángel Calle Collado, Fernando Fleury Curado, Amaury da Silva dos Santos, Fernanda Amorim Souza, Cristiane Oto de Sá, José Luiz de Sá
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