Discurso y cognición social en la “red” de las metáforas
metaphor. discourse and social cognition.Abstract
The aim of this paper, which is situated in the interface between discourse and social cognition, is to discuss some aspects of metaphor found in Mexican and Brazilian teenagers’ discourses. A critical and systematic investigation of specific expressions, present in the variants of Mexican Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese, enables us to search for empirical contrasts and profound explanations to the cognitive phenomenon that occurs in language. In the underlying theoretical basis of this work, metaphor is considered as a central element in structuring the discourse. The corpus for this study consists of interviews with Mexican and Brazilian teenagers as well as extracts from local newspapers. The first results point to differences that can be explained by means of social cognition, as suggested by van Dijk. On the other hand, as Fairclough points out, metaphors not only structure the way we think and act, but also have a consistent and fundamental effect on our knowledge systems and beliefs.
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