The Construction of the Other in Translation, Photography and Comics
Cultural Representation. Comics Translation. Photography. Comics Journalism.Abstract
This article reflects on the construction of cultural representations based on the French graphic novel Le protographe (O fotógrafo, in Brazil). This work of comics journalism reports on the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s and uses photography as a narrative resource alongside drawings. Based on this, we reflect on the construction of the reality of the other, that is, from abroad, through the translation process, based on the analysis of excerpts from the work in which alterity is configured. Due to its formal nature, Le photographe allows one to think about the construction of the other from the perspective of translation, photography, and the narrative structure of comics. In this sense, it appears that the cultural perspective of Translation Studies can be extended to multimodal languages, that is, that are configured from the conjunction of different sign systems, which can contribute to new debates and reflections on the translation of widely translated forms of media, such as comics.
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