Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024) -
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024) -
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)On this date, we publish another issue of the Physics Teacher's Magazine. We hope that the articles presented here prove valuable to our readers.
Best regards, The Editors
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)Dear Readers,
We present another edition of the Journal of the Physics Teacher.
Best regards,
The Editors.
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022)Dear Readers,
We present another edition of the Revista do Professor de Física.
Yours sincerely,
The Editors.
Anais do Encontros Integrados em Física e seu Ensino 2022
Vol. 6 No. Especial (2022)In this special edition of the Journal of the Physics Teacher, we present the annals of the Integrated Meeting in Physics and its Teaching, 2022: II ENMNPEF, VIII EBF e XI EFRAS (2º ENMNPEF, 8º EBEF, 11º EFRAS) taking place from 12/12/2022 to 12/16/2022 at the University of Brasilia.
Prof. Dr. Olavo Leopoldino da Silva Filho
Prof. Dr. Marcello Ferreira
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)In this dossier of the Revista do Professor de Física, entitled Teaching Physics: possibilities and perspectives associated with the use of digital technologies and experimentation, a group of authors discusses the importance of teaching Physics from methodologies that make use of different types of technologies and of experimentation. The texts published in this dossier reflect research actions in the conceptual, experimental, epistemological and methodological fields of Physics teaching.
Physics Teacher Journal
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)This is another edition of the Revista do Professor de Física. We hope that the works published here can reach the public of Basic Education teachers, promoting the changes that we all want for our teaching.
Yours sincerely,
The Editors
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021)This is another edition of the Journal of the Physics Teacher. We hope that the works published here can reach the general public of Basic Education teachers, promoting the changes that we all want for our teaching. Regards, The Editors -
Physics Teacher Journal
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)We present another issue of the Revista do Professor de Physics. As always, the contributions cover a vast field of proposals for the teaching of Physics, as well as considerations about this teaching in a different country, which proves to be very enriching. There is also a beautiful article by prof. Moreira on interest and experience in teaching Physics, particularly in the context of meaningful learning.
The Editors.
Physics Professor Journal
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)We present another issue of the Revista do Professor de Física. In this volume we bring new contributions to the Teaching of Physics for High School and, in particular, a relevant contribution to the teaching of people with special needs.
The Editors
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 4 No. 3 (2020)Dear readers,
We are happy to present to you a new edition of Revista do Professor de Física. We still
remain under the grip of a pandemic that, until this moment, has claimed millions of lives
around the world and almost 200,000 lives in Brazil. Maintaining work and production,
intellectual or not, in times like this is not simple. So, we praise here for the researchers
and professors who kept science and teaching working.
The Editors. -
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020)These are hard times; with a pandemy taking lives, isolating people and damaging the economy of countries, we are facing a desolating cenario. The Journal of the Physics Professor was taken by this cataclisms and, due to that, its last number (1) could not be published. However, it is in such times that we must endure e confront the situation, and get from it better than we were. It is in such a perspective that the Journal of the Physics Teacher, with great effort of all its staff, publishes another number. We hope that this number can bring knowledge, and hope for our readers.
The Editors.
Physics Teacher Journal
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2019)In this new issue of the Physics Teacher Journal, active methodologies play a distinct role. Beginning with the excellent review paper that opens this issue, through other papers dealing with peer instruction, or the use of information and comunication technologies, the presence of active metodologies galore, as it has been a tendence in teaching these days.
This number plays a due tribute to Professor Maria de Fátima da Silva Verdeaux, who recently received the Emeritus Professor title from the University of Brasilia for, among other personal victories, being in the front of the creation of the National Master Program in Physics Teaching in this University. We publish both her speech and the beautiful introduction from Professor Marcello Ferreira.
We hope that, this time also, the Physics Teacher Journal can show itself as a relevant element for its readers, helping to improve even more the Basic Teaching in Brazil.
Best regards, the Editors.
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019)Caros leitores,
Apresentamos mais um número da Revista do Professor de Física. Sua publicação reforça a missão da Revista de contribuir significativamente para a melhoria do ensino básico de nosso país.
Atenciosamente, os Editores.
Anals of the Ist Regional MNPEF Meeting: Middle-West/North
Vol. 3 No. Especial (2019)This special number presents the Anals of the First Regional MNPEF meeting: Middle-West/North, that took place in the city of Brasilia, at july, 11th and 12th of 2019. The meeting had innumerous talks and discussions about relevant and specific topics related to the activities underlying the program Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física. The meeting put together the MNPEFs from the Middle-West and North regions of Brazil. Many of the discussions that took place in the meeting can now be found in the present volume, special number, in the form of condensed texts.
We hope that the papers shown in these Anals can adequately represent the type of word done in the realm of the MNPEFs of the Middle-West and the North regions of Brazil. We also hope that they can be seminal to new and interesting ideias to be developed.
The Editors
Journal of the Physics Teacher
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)The Journal of the Physics Teacher has now a new layout. We perfected the layout of our articles to present to the reader a pleasant and joyfull reading. In this number, there is an interesting range of subjects being addressed, from Particle Physics to Econophysics, as usual, devoted to the main subject of this Journal, which is the teaching of physics.
We hope that this new number becomes an important contribution to our readers.
Best regards,
The Editors
Revista do Professor de Física
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2018)We are pleased to present a new number of the Journal of the Physics Teacher. This number presents the usual section of articles and also a section with articles related to speaches at the I International Scool on Physics Teaching. We hope that the articles published here contribute to the development of teaching in the country.
Best regards
The editors.
PS: We also stress that this Journal now sets DOI numbers for each published article and its numbers.
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018)
Apresentamos mais um número da Revista do Professor de Física. Em particular, ficamos orgulhosos em notar que vários artigos aqui publicados já contam com referências a artigos publicados em edições passadas por esta mesma revista. Isso mostra, a nosso ver, que a Revista do Professor de Física vem cumprindo com o seu objetivo de subsidiar os autores com trabalhos de fôlego capazes de ensejar extensões, novas ideias e perspectivas.
Atenciosamente, os Editores.
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)
Esta é mais uma edição da Revista do Professor de Física. Como de costume, publicamos artigos que têm o poder de impactar diretamente as ações dos professores de Ensino Médio e Fundamental em suas práticas cotidianas.
Esperamos que os artigos aqui publicados possam ser enriquecedores para todos os nossos leitores.
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)
Caro Leitor:
O segundo número da Revista do Professor de Física já encontra disponível no site. É com prazer que anunciamos que a Revista já conta com o ISSN, que pode ser consultado no próprio site.
A Revista do Professor de Física deseja a todos os seus leitores, por ocasião deste final do ano de 2017, um feliz 2018.
Os Editores.
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)
Caro Leitor:O segundo número da Revista do Professor de Física já encontra disponível no site. É com prazer que anunciamos que a Revista já conta com o ISSN, que pode ser consultado no próprio site.
A Revista do Professor de Física deseja a todos os seus leitores, por ocasião deste final do ano de 2017, um feliz 2018.
Os Editores.