A friendly city for older adults

a utopia for metropolitan Brasília in the decade of COVID-19





Ageism, Age-Friendly City, Coronavirus, Older Person, COVID-19, Brazil, Brasília


To consider the issue of aging in the metropolitan Brasília in a scenario marked by the pandemic of COVID-19 requires policies that prioritize tackling inequalities. One of these policies is the “Age Friendly City”. The article uses the method of narrative review of literature in order to analyze the challenges of planning a friendly city for older adults during and after the pandemic. The results are presented in three thematic categories: the first discusses some theoretical tensions related to the concept of aging adopted by WHO; the second analyzes the Brasília Age-friendly city as a necessary utopia for the city to benefit from the period coined as a “Decade of aging 2020 -2030”, and the third discuss the transition of the metropolitan Brasilia as an Age Friendly City in the context of the pandemic of COVID- 19, based on the shaping components of this global initiative. The metropolitan Brasília features scenarios of intense inequality and asymmetrical aging processes marked by differences in the access of city services and a failure to prioritize the remodeling of the urban structure, according to the needs of the older people. The search for social, urban and health development for all goes hand in hand with healthy aging policies, combating ageism and promoting friendly environments for all ages.


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How to Cite

Moura, L., & Maciel, T. (2020). A friendly city for older adults: a utopia for metropolitan Brasília in the decade of COVID-19. Revista Do CEAM, 6(1), 50–63. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3953318

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