The evaluation process in the psycho-pedagogical context


  • Talyta Santos Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares
  • André Silva Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares



Psychopedagogy, Diagnosis, Diagnostic Evaluation


Psychopedagogy is a field focused on the study of difficulties in the processes of learning, diagnosis and treatment of their difficulties. The objective of this work is to recognize the importance of the evaluation process present in the psychopedagogical context in order to develop patients in their difficulties. It shows the evaluation as a non-linear investigation of the learning process, but allows the professional to investigate, to raise hypotheses that can be confirmed throughout the process. This is a qualitative approach with the case study of the patient attended during the period of the mandatory stage, before presenting the materials and methods used by the psychopedagogue in the clinic. In this study, the case study of an 8 year old patient who studied in the 2nd year of elementary school was observed, and held in a mandatory internship at Clínica Aprender. It was shown step by step the entire process of psychopedagogical / patient relationship, from the beginning of the sections, interview with the family, materials used during the diagnosis period. After the whole process, the data collected through interviews and diagnosis were analyzed. All the approach used was based on psychopedagogical evaluation, being this one of the critical parts of the psychopedagogical intervention, since it is based on the measures of prevention and solution of the possible difficulties of the patients.


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How to Cite

Santos, T., & Silva, A. (2020). The evaluation process in the psycho-pedagogical context. Revista Do CEAM, 6(1), 163–171.

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