Argumentación y funciones estratégicas en el discurso político venezolano
el cierre de campaña del referéndum revocatorio presidencial
argumentation. politic discourse. strategic functions.Abstract
From the point of view of critical discourse analysis, the main objective of this study is to describe the argumentation and the strategic. functions of Venezuelan political discourse, from a linguistic perspective. The analysis of the different forms through which political actors try to persuade their adversees by mainly based on the postulates of the Nueva Retórica from Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1989), and the discourse strategies proposed by Chilton and Schäffner (2000). I analyzed two speeches of the end of the campaign for the presidential referendum which took place in August 2004. The first one by the government and the second one by the opposition. The study shows the argumentative techniques and the strategic functions used by the leaders of these sectors, and provides evidence of the narrow relationship between both categories.
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