Aspectos de una interacción polémica entre el Presidente Chávez y el Cardenal Urosa Savino
insult. politeness. church-state relationship.Abstract
Relations between Church and State have not been harmonious in Venezuela, and the conflict has deepened during the government of Hugo Chávez. This paper studies a macro speech act consisting of Chavez’s insult towards Cardinal Urosa Savino and his reply. Drawing on Critical Discourse Analysis and Politeness Theory, we observe the complexity of this episode, which has civil, religious and diplomatic implications. Also, due to the institutional weight of the speakers it also has an important perlocutionary effect. As noted by Jucker y Taatsvisainen (2000), insults are defined by the reaction of the interlocutor. In the present case, the reaction was a strong response from the bishop, noting that the issuer had no right to offend, and followed by criticism towards the issuer. Neither one of the partners is polite. Neither one of them has an interest in resolving the conflict amicably.
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