Place of memory and affective perception of heritage: Historic site of Prainha, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil
autobiographical memories. emotions and feelings. homeodynamic urban environment. sacred place. memory place.Abstract
Memories, emotions and feelings have been constructed round the clock in our minds, as a result of merging images of the present with records of the past. This paper aims to analyze the affective memories evoked by users of Prainha de Vila Velha/ES. As qualitative research, it uses the collection of narratives, based on the convenience sampling method to apply the questionnaires and outline the interviews with users who obligatorily have bonds of appropriation with the place. The research results show that Prainha can be recognized as a place of memory, a sacred place, a restorative urban environment, where autobiographical memories are unique modulators of emotions and feelings that consolidate relationships of identity and individual and collective belonging. This paper aims to support and expand research on the affective perception of urban space and to strengthen the interdisciplinary dialogue between memory, cultural heritage and neuroscience.
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