Socio-spatial dynamics of the La Habana after 1990




socio-spatial dynamics. urban form. social re-composition. built ur area. social groups.


This article is presented as a recap of a series of notes and reflections published by the author in a previous issue of the magazine PatryTer, linked to the theme of socio-spatial differentiation in urban areas, specifically, the case of Havana, Cuba and the peculiarities that have been developed in terms of the impact of the peculiarities of the model of spatial assimilation, a situation that remained, at least from the theoretical point of view, intact or unmovable until the 1990s, when the country suffered a deep and enduring economic crisis in which the government enacted economic measures in order to overcome the crisis and tackle it, constituting a great challenge for the country, and therefore for the capital, given that, although undesired, there is inevitably a process of accentuation and re-conditioning of its socio-spatial differentiation. Added to these strategies are those linked to the Update of the Cuban Economic Model approved by the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, as well as the changes to national legislation that have reaffirmed and marked new trends in the process of renewal and creation of the social-urban area from 2011.


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Author Biography

Rene Alejandro Gonzalez Rego, Universidad de La Habana, Facultad de Geografía

Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Geografía de la Universidad de La Habana


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Rego, R. A. (2019). Socio-spatial dynamics of the La Habana after 1990. PatryTer, 2(4).


