Architecture as Civil Commitment: Lucio Costa’s Modernist Project for Brazil

Architecture as Civil Commitment: Lucio Costa’s Modernist Project for Brazil, by Gaia Piccarolo: London; New York: Routledge & Francis Group, 2019. 226 pp. ISBN: 9781409454625




Lucio Costa, modern architecture, Brazil


Architecture as Civil Commitment: Lucio Costa’s Modernist Project for Brazil, has as the main theme the professional career of the Brazilian architect Lucio Costa (1902-1998). The book has a clear time frame, which begins in 1930, with the appointment of Costa as director of ENBA and the mission to modernize the architecture course. And it goes through the architect's professional trajectory until the end of the 1970s. The focus of the narrative constructed seeks to situate the architect's performance within the Brazilian political context, his commitment to the Brazilian State, and his consolidation as one of the main responsible agents for the introduction and diffusion of modern architecture.


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Author Biography

Rogério Rezende, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departmente in Architecture, Doctoral Programme in Engineering Science, Leuven, Belgium

Rogério Rezende é arquiteto e urbanista pela Universidade de Brasília (2011), e mestre em Teoria e História da Arquitetura e Urbanismo (2014). Em 2018 European Module in Spatial Planning - EMSDP na KU Leuven. Atualmente é doutorando na Faculdade de Ciências da Engenharia, no Departamento de Arquitetura da KU Leuven (Bélgica), em parceria com a Universidade de Brasília, com a pesquisa entitulada ?The Center of Brasília: (re)Defining the Concept of Urban Centrality?. Participa do grupo de pesquisa a2i ? Architecture, Interiority, Inhabitation; vinculado à Faculdade de Arquitetura da KU Leuven; e do Grupo de Pesquisa: TOPOS (UnB/CNPq), vinculado ao Laboratório Estudos da Urbe - LABEURBE (PPG-FAU/UnB). 


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How to Cite

Rezende, R. (2022). Architecture as Civil Commitment: Lucio Costa’s Modernist Project for Brazil: Architecture as Civil Commitment: Lucio Costa’s Modernist Project for Brazil, by Gaia Piccarolo: London; New York: Routledge & Francis Group, 2019. 226 pp. ISBN: 9781409454625. Paranoá, 15(32).

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