Cultural Translation as Beacon: Notes on the Elimination of Nigerian Cultural Itens in the Brazilian Translation of Ayobami Adebayo’s Novel Stay With Me
Stay with me. Ayòbámi Adébáyò. Nigerian Literature. Cultural Translation. Cultural specificities.Abstract
This work intends to analyze cultural aspects of the Brazilian Portuguese translation of Nigerian author Ayòbámi Adébáyò’s novel Stay with me, originally published in English. What we propose here, by collating the original and its aforementioned translation, is to point out some controversial translation choices that can be reviewed in future editions, as well as to suggest someexplanatory hypotheses that might help us further weight the reasons behind the translation options, questioning, based on theoreticians such as Lambert& Van Gorp (2014), Arrojo (2007), Levý (2011), and Aixelá (2013), among others, howthe literary translation process can beperfected in Brazil.
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