Public library as a political institution: the correlation between public librarian and political librarian
Keywords: Public Library. Public librarian. Political librarian. Political librarianship. Polítics.Abstract
The author investigates the connection that exists between «library science and politics», considering in this case the specialized literature that has been cultivating the nexus «libraries and politics». Likewise, the concept of "political librarianship" is determined correlatively based on a set of ideas, premises that have traditionally gone unnoticed in the theoretical perception that is taught in the schools of library science, librarianship and information sciences, or that have been undervalued or ignored in the sphere of library practice. The influence of political practice, opposed to the practice of librarianship, is also explained within the public library context. The ideas underlying the political sphere of the personnel that work in this kind of library, within the framework of a political society, are presented. The formulation of profiles that sustain the relationship between "libraries and politics" is considered extremely important because although we experience certain political contexts throughout our lives, we continue to privilege, theoretically and practically, the orthodox dogma that has traditionally resulted in the separation or rejection politics in the context of library administration. As a result, public librarian of the 21st century must assume the responsibility for cultivating a clear political praxis (reflection and action), when it comes to content that resolves around the political nature of the public library. In this order of ideas, the concept of "political librarian" is analysed and defined.
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