

Space law, International regimes, Space resources, Space governance, Exploitation of space


This working paper addresses the demand for coordination between the various interests related to the exploitation of space resources, given current regulatory gaps. The aim is to assess whether global governance in the area may lead to a new international regime that promotes cooperation in the development of appropriate strategies to face current and future problems. The research concludes that congruent aspects of international and governmental initiatives, as well as multi-stakeholder fora, are leading to the recognition of a set of principles and to the establishment of norms, rules and decision-making processes based on converging expectations on the topic, therefore, they may contribute to the regime formation and the sustainability of space exploitation. The research methodology is bibliographic and the deductive method was applied.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Cardozo Fernandes Rei, Universidade Católica de Santos, UNISANTOS, Brasil.

Professor Associado do Programa de Doutorado em Direito da Universidade Católica de Santos. Professor Titular de Direito Ambiental da Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP).

Suyan Cristina Malhadas, Universidade Católica de Santos, UNISANTOS, Brasil.

Mestranda em Direito Internacional pela Universidade Católica de Santos. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa de Direito Espacial da Universidade Católica de Santos. Membro da Moon Village Association.


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Capa da Revista Direito.UnB Volume 4, Número 3 - Edição Especial - Aviação Civil e Direito Espacial: aspectos regulatórios nacionais e internacionais



How to Cite

CARDOZO FERNANDES REI, Fernando; MALHADAS, Suyan Cristina. THE EXPLOITATION OF SPACE RESOURCES: AN INTERNATIONAL REGIME UNDER CONSTRUCTION?. Direito.UnB - Law Journal of the University of Brasília, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 162–181, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



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