Leisure activities during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Brazilian scenario

The Brazilian scenario


  • Guilherme Bridi Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • Emiiane Thalia de Lima Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • Carolina Dietrich Universidade federal do Rio Grande do Norte- UFRN




lazer, quarentena, atividades, Brasil, pandemia, covid19


The objective is to identify factors that influence leisure activities during the COVID-19 quarantine in Brazil and to map main leisure activities during social isolation. For that, a statistical method with a quantitative approach was used. Data collection tool was applied with 601 citizens. The results indicate that virtual leisure interests have been the preferred during quarantine, followed by intellectual and social. The less practiced interests are the tourism, physical and artistic ones. Age, income, gender and education level had greater influence than the region and time of confinement. The individuals above 40 years are more prone to physical, intellectual and tourism interests, while the younger individuals, with lower income and schooling more often develop virtual, social and artistic/manual interests. Women presented significantly higher averages in four of the six types of leisure activities.


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How to Cite

Bridi, G., Thalia de Lima, E., & Dietrich, C. (2023). Leisure activities during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Brazilian scenario: The Brazilian scenario. Cenário: Revista Interdisciplinar Em Turismo E Território, 10(2), 205–224. https://doi.org/10.26512/rev.cenario.v10i2.37013

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