The importance of biocultural heritage

an approach about non-conventional edible plants of the Atlantic Rainforest


  • Ingrid Gabriella da Hora Carriço Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo
  • Gustavo Haddad Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo - IFES Campus Santa Tereza
  • Karla Maria Pedra de Abreu Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Espírito Santo - IFES Campus de Alegre



agrobiodiversity, traditional knowledge, ethnobotany, food sovereignty


Brazil has high biological diversity that is directly linked to its extensive cultural heritage, what allows the discovery os new species, or new properties of already known species. This work aimed to elaborate a compilation of the non-conventional edible plants species that were mentioned in the ethnobotanical works carried out in areas of the Atlantic Rainforest. From a literature review, a total of 256 species of edible plants were identified, being 122 native with a phytogeographic domain in the Atlantic Rainforest, and 32 endemic. In the light of the great biodiversity of the biome, the groups of people studied that interact directly with it, have extensive knowledge about their plant species. To ensure the way of life of local communities helps not only the preservation of the Atlantic Rainforest species, but also the knowledge associated with them.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Haddad, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo - IFES Campus Santa Tereza

Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira Graduated in Agronomy (1999), Master's (2002) and Doctorate (2012) in Agricultural Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa. He held a Post-Doctorate (Visiting Scholar) at the University of Florida / IFAS-IRREC (2019-2020). Is he a CNPq Productivity Scholar? PQ2. He was a professor (2003-2007) at the Federal Center for Technological Education in Januária-MG, coordinator of the Technology Course in Irrigation and Drainage (2006-2007) and General Coordinator of Production and Research (2006-2007). He is currently Full Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa campus. He is the leader of the Research Group ?Irrifes? (Irrigation Research Group at Ifes campus Santa Teresa) and the Research Group ?Management of Water and Environmental Resources?, both registered with the DGP/Lattes/CNPq and certified by the Institution. He is an advisor professor at Agrifes Jr. ? Junior Agronomy Company of Ifes campus Santa Teresa. He works in the coordination of research projects and product development such as electronic spreadsheets and applications for irrigation management, and irrigation water magnetization systems to increase productivity and crop quality, with a focus on family farming. He is involved in extension projects to disseminate and encourage the use of irrigation management by farmers in the Central Serrana region of ES. He has, in the previous five-year period (2017-2022), 39 (thirty-nine) articles published in Periodicals indexed in Qualis Capes Platforms and/or Web of Science. Altogether, there are 61 articles published since 2004. He completed the supervision of 3 (three) Master's Dissertations, the Co-supervision of 1 (one) Doctorate supervision, and 3 (three) Master's Dissertations, having 1 (one) supervision Master's Degree in progress. He completed 25 orientations of Course Conclusion Papers and 31 of Scientific Initiation in the Agronomy course. He currently coordinates a Project with Financial Aid (FAPES-Edital Universal 03/2021, T.O. 423/2021). He participates in 2 projects for the development of technologies for irrigation management, in cooperation with a private company (Geocontrol) and with the IICA / MDR / UFSE / FAPESE agreement. He coordinated 38 Research Projects with Scientific Initiation / Technological Development Grants. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of FAPES-Promotion Agency: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Espírito Santo. He is a Reviewer of Development Projects-Promotion Agencies: Foundation for the Support of Science and Technology of the State of Pernambuco and Foundation for Support of Research and Innovation of Espírito Santo. Is he a member of the Teaching, Research and Graduate and Extension Council? Ifes CEP. Has experience in Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy, with emphasis on Irrigation, working mainly on the following topics: irrigation, management, uniformity, water use efficiency, water deficit, agrometeorology, thermal images applied to irrigation management, coffee, vegetable crops, fruit trees, sprinkling, center pivot, drip, water quality and clogging, and agroecology.

Karla Maria Pedra de Abreu, Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Espírito Santo - IFES Campus de Alegre

He holds a degree in Biology, a master's degree in Plant Production (Forest Resources) from the Federal University of Espírito Santo and a PhD in Ecology and Natural Resources from the State University of Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro. She is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo and Coordinator of the Botany Laboratory at Ifes Campus in Alegre. She has experience in the area of Plant Ecology and Botany, working mainly on the following topics: Agroecology, Environmental Education, Botany Teaching, Nature Conservation, Phytosociology and Forest Fragmentation.


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How to Cite

Carriço, I. G. da H., Gustavo Haddad, & Pedra de Abreu, K. M. . (2023). The importance of biocultural heritage: an approach about non-conventional edible plants of the Atlantic Rainforest. Revista Brasileira De Agroecologia (Brazilian Journal of Agroecology), 18(1), 331–349.

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