Bioeconomy and sociobiodiversity in the agroecological perspective for the wellbeing
Ecological economy, local development, food security, family farmingAbstract
In the current context of climate change and the global socio-ecological crisis, there is a need for a new way of human existence on Earth. This paper aims to contribute to the discussion about the bioeconomy by highlighting production practices and interactions of a socio-ecological nature that would value the uniqueness of the methods of production and economic praxis of local, indigenous and quilombola communities among others. We present the links between bioeconomy, sociobiodiversity, solidarity economy and agroecology with Good Living to enable a bioeconomy that values local communities. In order to maintain the role of natural spaces in the ecosystem, the Good living and the dignity of the people, and the sustainable utilization of natural and cultural resources we need the bioeconomy. Moving from a circular economy to a metabolic economy we understand that any type of economy practiced on Earth must be a bioeconomy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alejandro Lasso, Clovis Jose Fernandes de Oliveira Jr., Rosane Juraci Bastos Gomes, Raquel Pires Campos, Ieda Maria Bortolotto, Tércio Jacques Fehlauer
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