El mundo al revés
Humor en el discurso político
Bakhtin. humorous discourse. carnavalization.Abstract
This study, carried out with a sample of 70 caricatures published by Rayma, between January and May 2003 in El Universal, explores the application of some Bakhtinian concepts to the analysis of the discourse of humour, particularly in the political context. Preliminary findings indicate that a) the discourse of humour gives preference to the concept of “responding understanding”, that is, the participation of the interlocutor in the construction of the textual meaning; b) this discourse allows for a “look into the social discourse of the other”; c) parodic dialogism produces an effect of intertextualkity that introduces a rupture in the discourse of power, generating a counter-discourse; d) the parodic subversion of official discourse may be associated with the notion of carnivalistic inversion, where the ‘inside out’ world becomes the norm; e) the use of words makes the textual and the intertextual conflate in the production of humoristic effects.
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