Discurso y cambio institucional en el VIII Plan de la Nación del Presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez 1989-1993


  • Euclides Palacios


democracy. institutional discourse. strategic functions. linguistic choice.


Between 1958 and 1988, there were very few systematic and successful attempts to diversify the Venezuelan petro-rents, and this considerably affected democracy in the late 1980s. In view of this situation and by virtue of the global changes of the time, President Carlos Andrés Pérez (1989-1993) decided to embark the country on a liberal policy as stated in his VIII Plan de la Nación (Eighth Plan of the Nation). In this regard, the objective of this investigation is to identify the strategic discursive functions and the linguistic choice in this plan of government in connection to the role that political parties and civil society are to play within the Venezuelan petroState, so that power relations might generate a system of conciliation of interests for the sake of both rulers and ruled. In fact, the government under study executed, to a great extent, economic reforms unsuccessfully for not having exerted the pertinent political reforms, namely those associated with political parties, decentralization, and Constitutional reform. The corpus of this study consists of the text of the Eighth Plan of the Nation, specifically in matters concerning the institutional change necessary to reform the State to make it more efficient, representative and democratic. In this line of thought, I set out to assess, on the basis of the methodology adopted by Paul Chilton and Christina Schäffner (2000), the extent to which strategic functions of interaction in political life and the linguistic choice in the text facilitate the aforesaid institutional change.


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Author Biography

Euclides Palacios

Profesor de Estudios del Discurso, Traducción Legal, y Cultura, Temas y Textos en la Universidad Central de Venezuela. También es profesor de Inglés con Fines Específicos en la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Tiene los títulos de Licenciado en Idiomas Modernos de la Universidad Metropolitana, Magíster en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Lancaster, Inglaterra, y Doctor en Ciencia Política de la Universidad Simón Bolívar Es intérprete público (inglés ”“ español, español ”“ inglés). Sus áreas de investigación son la sociolingüística, el discurso político y la traducción jurídica.


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How to Cite

Palacios, E. . (2020). Discurso y cambio institucional en el VIII Plan de la Nación del Presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez 1989-1993. Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 10(1), 135–152. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/raled/article/view/33542

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