Sin duda y en principio
Modalización, desdoblamiento enunciativo y heterogeneidad
sin duda. en principio. modalización. desdoblamiento enunciativo. heterogeneidad.Abstract
This paper discusses the role of discourse markers sin duda and en principio in a corpus of academic discourse written in Spanish. After briefly reviewing what the literature has said about these two markers, I will examine the way in which the enunciation of each one of them triggers special discursive dynamics. Similarly to the forms of autonymic modalisation (Authier, 1995) with which the subjects comment on their own enunciation, the modalisations introduced by sin duda and en principio also reveal the presence of an unfolded subject: i.e. while the speaker is proposing a certain representation, he/she also comments on what is being said. In doing so, the enunciation of sin duda and en principio shows the emergence of three areas of non coincidence (between the co-enunciators, of the discourse with itself and of what is said with the represented reality).
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