Scientific journals in the world of neoliberal globalization




Editorial. Scientific Journals. Neoliberal Globalization. PatryTer. Carlos Augusto Figueiredo Monteiro.


This editorial of vol. 5, no. 9 of PatryTer – Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Geography and Humanities fulfills the objective of problematizing the game that involves the survival of scientific journals, in a world where knowledge is qualified, above all, by formal, monetary and increasingly rigid parameters. The overview summarized here will serve as a framework to remember PatryTer's philosophy. In addition, we are going to justify the tribute that this issue pays to the Brazilian geographer Carlos Augusto Figueiredo Monteiro, from the University of Sao Paulo


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Author Biographies

Everaldo Batista da Costa, University of Brasilia, Department de Geography, UnB, Brazil

Editor at PatryTer, professor at UnB

José Omar Moncada, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

Researcher at the UNAM

James Humberto Zomighani Jr, Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana, UNILA

Professor at UNILA

Luana Nunes M Lima, State University of Goias, UEG

Professor at UEG


Almeida, N., & Faria, M. (2021). Entrevista a Milton Santos, una mirada a los 70 (25 años después) . PatryTer, 4(8), 1–10.

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Costa, E. (2018). Proyecto Politico-Academico de la PatryTer - Revista Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Geografía y Humanidades. PatryTer, 1(2), 1-15.

Costa, E., & Alvarado, I. (2018). A filosofia de uma revista latinoamericana e caribenha sobre urbanização e patrimonialização. PatryTer, 1(1), 1-3.

Santos, M. (2003). Economia espacial. Críticas e alternativas. Tradução de Maria Irene de Q. F. Szmrecsány. São Paulo: Edusp.

Sousa Neto, M. (2014). Queime depois de ler. In E. Sposito (Ed.). A diversidade da geografia brasileira: escalas e dimensões da análise e da ação. Rio de Janeiro: Consequência.

Souza, M. (2019). Territorio usado, rugosidades e patrimonio cultural: ensaio geográfico sobre o espaço banal. PatryTer, 2(4), 1-17.

Zusman, P. (2021). Editorial: Revistas científicas y Geometrías del poder. Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 25(3), 1-4.



How to Cite

Costa, E. B. da, Moncada, J. O. ., Zomighani Jr, J. H., & Lima, L. N. M. (2022). Scientific journals in the world of neoliberal globalization . PatryTer, 5(9), 1–4.




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